Monday, February 22, 2010

The Fight Against the Sale of Used Games

This is almost infuriating. Slashdot (among others) are reporting ( that Sony has now joined EA in extorting money from its player base by forcing registration of games for online play.... and when the game is resold or transferred, the recipient of the used game must fork over more money for another registration code to allow online game play.

Now, I readily admit that I could be ignorant about this, but it seems to me that the gaming companies are doing a disservice to their customers with this. I understand the desire to make money, but there comes a point when it's just uncouth if not outright tacky. Is there a panel somewhere that gets hired by companies for the sole purpose of finding ways to screw over customers or extort money?

When it all comes down to it, the world is brimming with greedy money-mongers who don't care about anything except money and/or themselves. I remember when concepts like community and sharing were more prevalent in areas where they're now lacking. Sometimes I'm almost ashamed to be a part of this earth, a part of human society.

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