Friday, January 25, 2008

Just What I've Always Wanted

Well, guess what? I finally got something that I've wanted for quite some time. I finally have a dedicated Unix-like workstation on a reasonably fast computer. It's actually running FreeBSD version 7.0-Prerelease (more info here). I have GNOME set up (GNOME's homepage can be found here) for my graphical environment and basic desktop utilities, and I'd like to become very comfortable using it for everything possible (in an effort to reduce my reliance on Microsoft Windows at home). I don't know how well that will work, but I'm off to a good start (finally). In fact, this blog entry is being written from that very computer. Most of my Unix experience has been on the command line, so installing and configuring all this graphical stuff is somewhat new to me.

I'm also working to get Solaris 10 set up on my Sun Microsystems Ultra 60 Elite 3D workstation. It's a little frustrating, because I haven't used Solaris for nine years (the latest version I used was 2.6). It's pretty much all new to me, but I'm determined to learn it and get more comfortable with it. Why? Because it's fun. Who knows? Maybe it'll help me get a job; it's certainly going to look good on my resume if I can claim that I'm relatively proficient with it.

So let the learning and fun begin.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I finally made the switch from Windows last year. I now use mostly Ubuntu Linux, which uses GNOME. I have Vista on another partition only for gaming and music. (although XP's better for both) A hardly ever use it.

Linux has a steep learning curve, but I've read it's almost identical to UNIX. I'm never going back to Windows! (amen)